(design and creation being planned) Online training has grown in popularity over the past years due in large part to the ease with which learning professionals can develop and deliver online solution training. Rapid eLearning web-based learning management systems have fueled this ease, and as more... more
Category: Company
(design and creation being planned) You don’t need to be a prophet to accurately predict your customers’ needs and desires. You just need intelligence and a strong strategy in place for acquiring, managing, and leveraging this intelligence in a secure, responsible way. Easier said than done. One of... more
Category: Customers
(design and creation being planned) In an effort to close the loop on your intelligence programs, you need to recognize that your competitors will be performing intelligence initiatives against your organization as well. Whether your organization realizes it or not, right this second it is under... more
Category: Company
(design and creation being planned) The landscape for serving customers today is not the same as it was a decade ago – or even a few years ago. Customer insights have drastically changed for organizations and many of them have been slow to respond. So what’s changed? We’ve put together a course... more
Category: Customers
(design and creation being planned) If you’re leading or part of an intelligence project within your career or organization, chances are you’ll need to deliver results to a senior executive about some aspect of your intelligence analysis. Whether it’s a presentation to a group of leaders or a one-... more
Category: Company
(design and creation being planned) Information in organizations is everywhere. Whether it comes from primary, secondary or internal business applications, turning information into intelligence is helping all disciplines within organizations ignite strategies and additional revenues. Once you have... more
Category: Company
