(design and creation being planned) Implementing a 'bare bones' Win/Loss Intelligence Program enables organizations to strip down all the bells and whistles of typical programs and focus on only the core functionality aspects. Implementing a program such as this still allows organizations to access... more
Category: Company
(design and creation being planned) While market research often focuses on fulfilling specific information needs, competitive intelligence is an ongoing process of developing a holistic analysis of your organizational environment. “Competitive” intelligence is not just “competitor” intelligence.... more
Category: Company
(design and creation being planned) 
Category: Employees
(design and creation being planned) Whether you are a manufacturer, retailer, or service provider, if you cannot state what your competitive advantage is, you’re losing customers. The common flaw in many organizations is they think their price is one of their core competitive advantages. The... more
Category: Products
(design and creation being planned) Salesperson performance perceptions are a result of various customer interactions from as early as the RFP process to post implementation support engagement. Salespeople are the customer-facing aspect in a majority of organizations and customer perception... more
Category: Sales
(design and creation being planned) One of the main purposes of any internal organizational function should be anticipating changes in the business environment. Any decisions based on good intelligence should take into consideration the changes that the intelligence program has detected in areas... more
Category: Competitors
