“Premium Service” is a term used in luxury real estate. It refers to a level of care and attention to detail that are standard to meet the expectations of a Luxury Client. Premium service is a foundational element of your real estate offering. The Luxury Consumer is not measuring your service based... more
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Category: Luxury Real Estate
This is part 3 of a 3-part video training on the luxury home listing process. It covers exactly what to do when walking through a seller’s home during a listing presentation, such as during the tour, take detailed notes. Luxury homes are filled with custom elements and unique amenities. It is... more
Available: Now
Category: Luxury Real Estate
In real estate, differentiating yourself as an agent is an absolute necessity. You must be able to capture the attention of the client, amplify your value, and create a compelling reason for them to want to work with you.  Your “Value Statement” is exactly what it sounds like. It is a description... more
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Category: Real Estate
To be successful in luxury real estate, it is assumed you have a comprehensive real estate foundation already in place. You should have a working understanding and consistent application of the fundamentals called the “25 Foundations. For anyone to have traction in luxury real estate, the kind of... more
Available: Now
Category: Luxury Real Estate
Continuously improving your communication skills is vital to scaling your luxury real estate career. If people struggle to understand your point or have to ask clarification questions during a conversation, they may get annoyed. Being long-winded, or the opposite, providing too little detail, is... more
Available: Now
Category: Luxury Real Estate
Good working relationships with fellow agents is an important part of your success in luxury real estate. From the first showing request to delivering the keys after closing, the process is always better when the person on the other side has the same agenda. Exactly like your client relationships,... more
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Category: Luxury Real Estate
