Numerous suppliers of Customer Management systems have evolved over the years and provide a vast array of applications from simple to complex enterprise-wide applications. The choice can be daunting for an organization. This is further complicated by the growth in data, increasing complexity in... more
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Customers are one of the most important, and often the only, revenue producing assets for an organization. Managing these important assets, therefore, requires a systematic and disciplined approach toward achieving a sustainable competitive advantage. In general, retention and loyalty programs are... more
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Having your finger on the pulse of your customer’s current and future needs is a critical piece of your overall organizational, product development, sales, and marketing strategies. Organizations employ several different methods to get this information from their customers. Typically most... more
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The customer may always be right, but that doesn't mean all customers are easy to deal with. Anyone who's ever worked with customers can tell you they can be downright unruly. Still, if you want to stay in business, you've got to deal with them. Finding techniques that help you disarm unhappy... more
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Information costs you money and intelligence makes you money. No truer words have ever been said; unfortunately many intelligence vendors that exist today still primarily deliver "information" to customers and pass it off as "intelligence". This online course will discuss what is necessary for... more
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Category: Customers
Customer-Focused Innovation is the perfect blend of buyer perception, creativity, and the ability to measure their value as a buyer. Organizational innovating is the ability to capture what aspects to your products or services are valued most by your customers and being able to deliver those in a... more
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