(design and creation being planned) In an effort to close the loop on your intelligence programs, you need to recognize that your competitors will be performing intelligence initiatives against your organization as well. Whether your organization realizes it or not, right this second it is under... more
Category: Company
(design and creation being planned) Mergers and acquisitions represent the ultimate in change for a business. No other event is more difficult, challenging, or chaotic as a merger and acquisition. It is imperative that everyone involved in the process has a clear understanding of how the process... more
Category: Company
(design and creation being planned) As companies lean harder on their service organizations for decreased costs, increased revenues, and competitive advantages, more and more are migrating to the complex, yet entirely critical, outsourcing of their intelligence programs. In today’s business... more
Category: Company
(design and creation being planned) Win-Loss intelligence projects should be generating quantitative and qualitative information on measurable organizational key indices. This critical information should be leveraged to provide reports and trends to various organizational groups and clearly... more
Category: Company
(design and creation being planned) Intelligence projects revolve around the need for information. Thus, delivering relevant and well-packaged intelligence to the people who requested it is of utmost importance. Intelligence deliverables are the tangible output of organizational intelligence... more
Category: Company
(design and creation being planned) Competitive Intelligence (CI) is a powerful management tool for evaluating data and information about your competition and transforming it into intelligence. Using the intelligence properly, you can develop strategies that will anticipate your competitor’s moves... more
Category: Company
