(design and creation being planned) While market research often focuses on fulfilling specific information needs, competitive intelligence is an ongoing process of developing a holistic analysis of your organizational environment. “Competitive” intelligence is not just “competitor” intelligence.... more
Category: Company
(design and creation being planned) Online training has grown in popularity over the past years due in large part to the ease with which learning professionals can develop and deliver online solution training. Rapid eLearning web-based learning management systems have fueled this ease, and as more... more
Category: Company
(design and creation being planned) Information in organizations is everywhere. Whether it comes from primary, secondary or internal business applications, turning information into intelligence is helping all disciplines within organizations ignite strategies and additional revenues. Once you have... more
Category: Company
(design and creation being planned) If you’re leading or part of an intelligence project within your career or organization, chances are you’ll need to deliver results to a senior executive about some aspect of your intelligence analysis. Whether it’s a presentation to a group of leaders or a one-... more
Category: Company
(design and creation being planned) Implementing a 'bare bones' Win/Loss Intelligence Program enables organizations to strip down all the bells and whistles of typical programs and focus on only the core functionality aspects. Implementing a program such as this still allows organizations to access... more
Category: Company
(design and creation being planned) Predictive intelligence analytics are used by organizations to learn from its cumulative intelligence experiences - and to use those intelligence insights to improve positioning or provide a competitive predictability advantage with lost prospects and existing... more
Category: Company
