Any time you modify how a company functions, you are asking employees to move outside of their comfort zone, and trust that the change is for the better. The problem with that, is only 22% of frontline employees report that they enjoy leaving their comfort zone. If you want to move past your... more
Available: Now
Category: Company
Any time you modify how a company functions, you are asking employees to move outside of their comfort zone, and trust that the change is for the better. The problem with that, is only 22% of frontline employees report that they enjoy leaving their comfort zone. If you want to move past your... more
Available: Now
Category: Company
Why do so many organizations struggle with requirements? There seem to be two paths that organizations follow for requirement definition and management. Some organizations rush through the requirement phase to get to design and implementation, while others have invested in the panacea of... more
Available: Now
Category: Company
This course examines the theories and models of leadership and followership. Environmental factors, organizational objectives, company culture, and individual and group ethical standards will be examined to incorporate situational determinants of leadership effectiveness. We look at aspects that... more
Available: Now
Category: Company
Problems come in all sizes, from major problems to daily nuisances, and the ability to resolve them, is the heart and soul of every job at every level of an organization. If problems can be solved with greater accuracy, creativity, and confidence, factors that might negatively impact the... more
Available: Now
Category: Company
This is part one of a two part course. Risks can come from various sources including uncertainty in international markets, threats from project failures, legal liabilities, credit risk, accidents, natural causes and disasters, deliberate attacks from a competitor, or events of uncertain or... more
Available: Now
Category: Company
