In the past days of selling, quaint as they may seem today, the concept of sales enabling intelligence consisted of little more than attempting to call into the freshest list of leads. Luckily, times have changed, and in a remarkable fashion. Salespeople crave insight that will allow them to more... more
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Category: Sales
Successful organizations not only make obtaining timely, relevant, and measurable data a priority in providing organizational intelligence, but they also use it as a basis to easily identify expectations and priorities. Many organizations strategically plan their quarterly meetings around these... more
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Category: Sales
Customer-Focused Innovation is the perfect blend of buyer perception, creativity, and the ability to measure their value as a buyer. Organizational innovating is the ability to capture what aspects to your products or services are valued most by your customers and being able to deliver those in a... more
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Category: Customers
Did you know that almost everything you do in life involves some form of communication? Anytime you interact with another person, you communicate. Whether you smile at a stranger, speak to a friend, or listen attentively when someone is talking to you, you communicate. You can even communicate by... more
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Category: Customers
Giving exceptional customer service when dealing with a customer in person seems pretty simple on face value. Why, then, do so many of our interactions with customer service employees leave us feeling empty, or worse yet, invisible?  Giving exceptional face-to-face customer service begins the... more
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Category: Customers
Conducting business by phone requires a different skill set than dealing with people face-to-face. Listening becomes even more important when you cannot see your customers. If you fail to listen, it is impossible for customer service professionals to pick up on the nonverbal cues that happen when... more
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Category: Customers
